

Working through a listening and spoken language approach requires knowledge of the hearing system to best support the individuals with hearing loss and their families that they are working with. This one hour on-demand learning course covers foundational information on the anatomy, physiology and pathologies of hearing, and how changes or breakdowns in these systems can cause hearing loss. 

Key Learnings

  • Learn about the auditory pathway and how perception of sound is integrated
  • Learn basics of hearing anatomy and physiology and how different impacts on these can lead to the auditory system being affected
  • Learn how differing pathologies can impact on hearing and cause hearing loss

Helpful information

This course will take approximately 2 hours to complete.

Completing the “Hearing Science for Listening and Spoken Language” course can contribute to 2 hours of NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) Elective PD.

Hearing Science for Listening and Spoken Language

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This course is on demand. Instructions on how to access the course will be noted on your ticket, you will receive your ticket via email after you have completed your purchase.


This course is on demand.

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Booking Details:

You are booking tickets to attend – Hearing Science for Listening and Spoken Language.


This will be held on the October 24, 2023, starting at 01:01.

NOTE: Please select your ticket type below and add a ticket for each person attending.


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