Mapping the listening journey

The Functional Listening Index® – Paediatric (FLI-P®) tool tracks a child’s functional listening skills from birth through to age six. Professionals are able to use it to set goals for children to aim for, with a child’s progress recorded on a colour-coded graph that indicates thresholds of concern and compares a child’s development with that of age-matched peers.

Giving children a voice

Listening is a foundational skill for children learning spoken language. The FLI-P® enables professionals to ensure children have the listening skills they need to learn and thrive in a listening and spoken language environment — skills that, in turn, give them their voice.
A blueprint for listening development
Designed by The Shepherd Centre in collaboration with Cochlear Limited, Hearing CRC and leading academics, the FLI-P® tracks development from the earliest listening skills such as detection and absence of sounds, all the way through to conversational level listening. Comparative data is used to show what is expected for a child’s age and stage of development. Separate sub-test scores are provided to track development in specific areas, such as listening skills in background noise
With a simple questionnaire format, the FLI-P® can be administered by professionals working in health, education and disability fields, without any specific experience working with children with hearing loss. A description is provided for each item on the FLI-P®, along A description is provided for each item on the FLI-P®, along with examples and suggestions of ways to assess if a child has developed each particular listening skill. Inbuilt basal and ceiling rules ensure standard administration.
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Try our FREE FLI-P® Printables
We are so convinced that you are going to love using the FLI-P®
that we'd like to invite you to try it for FREE using our downloadable printables.
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Making a difference

"The FLI-P® is an absolute game changer for listening development. I wish it had been available when I was a new, inexperienced professional — it would have helped me to build my clinical knowledge, expectations and skills as a therapist so much more quickly."
Kate Baird,
Listening and Spoken Language Specialist,
The Shepherd Centre

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Created by Experts

Our world-class tools and courses have been
developed by hearing professionals from The
Shepherd Centre. Since 1970, The Shepherd Centre has
earned its reputation as an industry leader in Listening
and Spoken Language (LSL) therapy, helping
thousands of children reach their potential with its
Early Intervention System.